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kirtimlak :: Последние комментарии под фото
Показываются последние комментарии из незакрытых (общедоступных) альбомов.
4ulok в альбоме «При_Эльбрусье 2009»
4ulok в альбоме «Mother India»
4ulok в альбоме «ЗВУКоЦВЕТоСВЕТ»
Miraclava в альбоме «ЗВУКоЦВЕТоСВЕТ»
Eist в альбоме «Low Q - High E»
kirtimlak в альбоме «ЗВУКоЦВЕТоСВЕТ»
kirtimlak в альбоме «ЗВУКоЦВЕТоСВЕТ»
RabberPlant в альбоме «ЗВУКоЦВЕТоСВЕТ»
*YES*  :-* *YES* \r\n\r\n***\r\n\r\nwe spend the day racing horizon\r\ntowards the falling sun\r\nand it comes around again yeah\r\nwe spend the night racing horizon\r\ntowards the falling moon\r\nand it comes around again yeah\r\n\r\nand I would never have been\r\nthe one to leave you here in sorrow\r\nand I would never have been\r\nthe one to leave you here\r\n\r\nbut I\'m the one who\'s stuck\r\nhere racin for tomorrow\r\nwould it have been so hard\r\nto tell the truth my dear\r\nmy dear\r\nmy dear\r\n\r\nwe wasted our time drinking wine\r\nplayin dumb games going downtown\r\nis there any more to say yeah\r\nwe wasted our time drinking beer\r\nwatching cable and going down\r\nis ther any more to do yeah\r\n\r\nand it\'s so good to see you out\r\nI need you need this sometimes\r\nbut I\'m surprised to see\r\nyou in the dance so soon\r\nI should have seen let\'s just\r\nbe friends commin a mile away\r\nI think i\'d rather heard\r\nthe disappointing truth\r\nI think i\'d rather heard\r\nthe disappointing truth\r\n\r\nand I would never have been\r\nthe one to leave you here in sorrow\r\nand I would never have been\r\nthe one to leave you here\r\n\r\nbut I\'m the one who\'s stuck\r\nhere racin for tomorrow\r\nwould it have been so hard\r\nto tell the truth my dear\r\n\r\nyou are the one who will be racin now\r\nyou are the one who made me second guess my love\r\nyou are the one who will be racin now\r\nyou\'re the one who got scared and backed off when we did not fit just like a glove\r\nyou\'re the one who got scared and backed off when we did not fit just like a glove\r\nyou\'re the one who got scared and backed off when we did not fit just like a glove\r\nyou\'re the one who got scared and backed off when we did not fit just like a glove\r\n\r\n\r\n***\r\n\r\n;)))
RabberPlant в альбоме «ЗВУКоЦВЕТоСВЕТ»
kirtimlak в альбоме «Mother India 2008»
kirtimlak в альбоме «Mother India 2008»
kirtimlak в альбоме «Mother India 2008»
kirtimlak в альбоме «Mother India 2008»
4-4-4-4 в альбоме «Mother India 2008»
4-4-4-4 в альбоме «Mother India 2008»
4-4-4-4 в альбоме «Mother India 2008»
4-4-4-4 в альбоме «Mother India 2008»
kirtimlak в альбоме «Mother India 2008»
Анонимный пользователь в альбоме «Mother India 2008»
kirtimlak в альбоме «Mother India 2008»
190-1 в альбоме «Mother India 2008»
kirtimlak в альбоме «Mother India 2008»
mamakenga в альбоме «Mother India 2008»
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